Directed by Emily Bump Girard
Produced by Terry Southerington
About the Show
This cheerful comedy reminds us that sometimes the best show isn’t onstage, but in the parking lot. This is so true for the Neighborhood Actors Summerfun Repertory Theater, complete with an aging hippy/techie, stressed out artistic director, wanna-be diva, and very innocent ingenue. Add in the board member’s nephew who thinks stage blood is “ART”, and his sidekick who thinks every show should have a kickline. Round out with the rest of the cast and crew and somehow “the show must go on”!
Live On Stage: Thursday, May 26 thru Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Mike- Michael Blouin
Jeannie-Jenny Howard
Vondo- Stephen Winegard
Jeff- Gary Wilson
Scott- Jordan Wood
Eric- Austin Shifflett
Meredith- Lydia Robertson
Daniel- Scott Altman
Robin- Araya Fitzwater
Harriet- Terry Southerington
Oak Grove will be following CDC guidelines for Augusta County.
As of March 2022 masks are recommended but not required. Out of courtesy to others, please allow space between groups when possible. Seats will be sanitized before and after each performance.
Presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.