Since 1979 a bunch of musicians, fans, and friends have descended on the Oak Grove Theater in Verona, VA for what is known as the Oak Grove Folk Music Festival. Margaret and Fletcher Collins, along with their friends Robin and Linda Williams, brought together folk musicians and audiences from all over the world. A deep music festival tradition that continues to this day. In this installment of Behind the Season Roz Collins shares some of the history and spirit that is this annual event. For more information on upcoming Folk Musica Festivals goto: https://oakgrovefestival.com/ .
Special thanks go out to Theater Wagon, Oak Grove Folk Music Festival for supplying the pictures and video taken at various Grove festivals over the years. Check out their YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxFfKSb9DTa2acFts1EIRBw
Click below to watch or goto: https://youtu.be/W40Is_WZJrc